Scope and Terms of Services

Updated: 3/2/2025


  1. Mowing of grass and turf areas will be completed approximately every one or two weeks, depending on your plan between the beginning of March and the end of November.  

  2. String trimming around all buildings, landscape beds, trees, shrubs and flowers as needed determined by the contractor.

  3. Edging of sidewalks, driveways and other hard surfaces at least twice a month.

  4. Sidewalks, driveways, curbs and adjacent features will be cleared of debris as needed determined by the contractor.

  5. Mowing height will be determined by the contractor and will be based on current/ future weather conditions.

  6. Paper Mill Landscaping, LLC is not liable for any damages to or caused by any object(s) that are improperly marked or hidden in the grass, including but not limited to hoses, toys, underground irrigation system components, cables, wires, invisible fences, and any other unmarked or concealed items. Additionally, customers are responsible for removing any solar lighting or decorative items from the lawn area before scheduled service.

  7. Fall Clean-up will include: Picking up debris and leaves from all landscaped beds and turf areas on the above mentioned property and  either mulching or placing in an area designated by the client as suitable for dumping debris. Fall Clean-up services will commence around October 15th and continue until Approximately December 1st. This service will be conducted approximately every 10- 14 days at the discretion of the contractor. The cost for this service is based on the approximate number of visits and the estimated time spent per visit. In the event of excessive leaf/ debris coverage on the client’s grounds, additional charges may apply. If the client elects to have the debris removed from the property the charge(s) for this service are as outlined under the section titled:  Additional Services. Debris will be placed on the street in front of the property and will be taken at the time of the last visit. 

  8. Shrub Pruning services will be conducted 1-3 times per season. It will be at the discretion of the contractor when to perform these services. All Ornamental shrubbery on the client’s grounds will be properly shaped and maintained throughout the season. This service does not include the pruning of any trees or shrubbery greater than 48in tall.

SKIPPED/MISSED MOWINGS:  The decision to skip a scheduled mowing is completely up to Paper Mill Landscaping, LLC

  1. To determine if a lawn needs to be skipped, the Contractor will determine if 50% or more of the turf areas need mowing. In the event that the contractor determines to skip a mowing, it will be at the discretion of the contractor whether other services under this agreement need to be performed at the time of your scheduled visit such as (edging, pruning, clean-up of debris etc…).  

  2. In the event of inclement weather, the contractor may elect to skip a scheduled mowing. Your visit will be scheduled for the next available day.  It is understood that depending on the length, and severity of any inclement weather, that it may take the contractor varying amounts of time to fulfill the work covered under this service agreement. Client is aware that weather conditions in the area may change rapidly and without notice. Changes in weather conditions are considered to be an "Act of God" and the contractor assumes no liability as such.

Customer Cancellations

  1. To maintain efficiency, we kindly ask customers to avoid cancellations whenever possible. However, if necessary, please provide adequate notice.

  2. If a biweekly service is canceled and the next rotation is skipped, resulting in only one service for the month, a 20% surcharge will apply due to the extra work required. Customers still save 80%.

  3. Rescheduled services will be accommodated as soon as possible but may need to wait until the next regular rotation.